Sunday, April 26, 2015

My desicion

time ago you are the number one
Then you are all I want
and know you still around

but time gone then I change and you too
I stay and you go
that not screw anything now
little decision to grow

First time I don't understand
that time I just wanna blame
never want to be lame

Now I not understand still
but little by little I will
take all lesson be the deal

That true that only you can make me comfort
I following you like the little red bird
when you gone I loose my earth
that doesn't mean that you a jerk
but yes you are my narc

Now I not understand still
but little by little I will
take all lesson be the deal

Lesson one you gone and I can't make you stay
I already do everything to make it delay
that look so gray
So I accept that you already flew away

Next lesson is accept it make me better
you already gone so I have to cheer
Nothing change although I drink all beer
So I let you go dear

Last lesson force to forget make me remind you
every time I try not to make me more want to
So all I need to do is let it go

lesson and decision is already
now I much love me
not forget but just let it be
hold thinking is creepy
so accept, let, and happy
and thank give so many

27 April 2015

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Kamus Bahasa Bali


Kanggen                          :pakai
Katos                               : keras
Kayah                              : mandi
Ke anggen                       :pakai
Kebos                              : panas
Kedek                              : tertawa
Kejegjeg                          : terinjak
Kenten                             : itu

Kewah                             : susah

Kamus Bahasa Bali


Jegeg                               : cantik
Jeleme                              : orang
Jemak                              : ambil

Jemet                               : rajin

Kamus Bahasa Bali


Iba                                   : diri sendiri

PI (penting iba)           : egois

Kamus Bahasa Bali


Gedang                            : pepaya

Gelem                              : sakit

Kamus Bahasa Bali


Dase                                : 10
Tumpang dase            : 10x
Dekdek                            : sedikit
Disisi                               : di luar
Dumogi                           : semoga

Durung                            : belum

Kamus Bahasa Bali


Cenik                               : kecil
CGT (cenik gae to)     : tidak masalah

Cening                             : anak

Kamus Bahasa Bali


Basa                                 : bahasa
Bayu                                : tenaga
Bedik                               : sedikit
Beh                                  : sudah
Bejemak                          : sudah diambil
Beneh                              : hasil
Bengkeang                      : pinggang
Benjang                           : besok
Besikat                            : menyikat gigi
Buang                              : nafsu
Buin (bahas kasar)           : lagi

Kamus Bahasa Bali


Ados                                : mengapa begitu
Amon                              : kalau
Ampura                           : maaf
Anteng                            : rajin
Anteng                            : selendang